Working from home essentials!
Over the last 12 months, working from home has become commonplace for a lot of people. But even for seasoned home workers, working from home for 8 hours per day, 5 days per week can be really challenging
Here are some of my top tips on how to effectively work from home, without losing the plot!
Keep a Routine
When you are working from home, it is easy to slip out of your working day habits. You start waking up a little later, skipping lunch and working later into the evenings. I have found that keeping a routine as if I was going into the office has really helped me. I set my alarm for the normal time and do my morning workout as usual and ensure I have a good breakfast. I also ensure I take my lunch as I usually would and finish work at 5pm. This stops me from burning out and means I have some separation between work and home.
Fresh Air
It is easy to lose track of time when you are working from home and before you know it, it is 5pm! I make sure I take time to get some fresh air. I ensure I take time away from my screen to go for a quick walk, even if it is just for 10 minutes. This enables me to process what has happened so far throughout the day and when I return from my walk I am refreshed and ready to get back to it!
Get some face time
‘Death By Email’ as I like to call it, is very common when you are working at home. Before you know it, you can have 20 emails back and forth with someone and can it be easy to get crossed wires. I much prefer to pick up the phone or jump on a Teams/ Zoom call. By doing this you can normally get the answers you need much quicker and you get to see another human being, which is always a bonus! My mood is always lifted after having a call or meeting with someone.
Screen Time
I find it difficult to sit glued to a screen for 8 hours of my day, so I like to take breaks away from my laptop to make sure I stay fresh. When I eat my lunch, I always make sure I eat away from my desk. When I am on phone calls, I like to walk around my home whilst I am talking. Although these may only be 5-10 minute phone calls, it all adds up throughout the day and ensures that I don’t end up cross-eyed come 5pm!
I would be really keen to hear more about what you do to stay fresh when you are working from home
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